Nina Kaufman, an award-winning attorney, a champion for women-owned businesses, and an ex-New York comedian has not only survived the last 18 months of transition but is thriving with it and in good humor too!

Business Back in Focus

Alongside running her own highly successful law practice in New York City, Nina had been dabbling in several side business ventures throughout the years. 

Finally, a new collaboration emerged that lit Nina up from within. She put pen to paper to rearrange her time to fit her moving priorities. “After making several pros-and-cons lists and working with my Strategic Coach, Amy, it was clear I couldn’t keep all the side ventures going if I wanted to move forward with the new alliance that really excited me. So I mothballed everything outside of the law practice. It was really freeing to let go of all those other activities and projects to focus just on the new venture. And then? My partner had a series of life and business crises and had to bow out. Now what? Do I resuscitate the old projects? Or take advantage of the freedom to gain clarity on my law firm and how I could transform it? I chose the latter.

Working with Amy, we asked – and answered – hard questions to target my niche. Who I want to work with, how I want to serve them, and when I want to work. Understanding the type of clients I enjoy most, the legal issues that spark my interest now – not just 25 years ago when I first started my firm – makes my work much more fulfilling. Being clear about not only who I can serve but who I like to serve has reduced my stress levels significantly … and boosted my revenues!”

Clearly Personal

For a long time, Nina missed a certain quality of life. A life where she could “sit outside on the patio with a glass of wine, and create, imagine, and build.” A life that’s tough to create in the cramped, never-resting, fast-paced world that is Manhattan.

So when she and her husband decided to move to Charleston, SC in July 2021 after a lifetime in New York City, it seemed to outsiders like a total whim. But Nina had been clear on her intention to find a home elsewhere for a while. COVID-19 merely accelerated the timeline. “It’s not like I woke up one morning last July and said for the first time, ‘Hmmm, I want to leave New York. No, it’s something I had known deep down. The Universe was just opening its doors to make room for the change. My husband and I had planned a simple getaway to Charleston. It had everything we were looking for in a new city so, for giggles, we went around with a broker. Lo and behold, our little trip ended in our purchasing a new home and uprooting our lives.”

But change in her personal life didn’t stop there. Four months after her big move, Nina’s mother passed away, leaving Nina yearning for clarity – and zealously guarding her focus – more than ever.

Finding Joy in Clarity

Nina is both a visionary and a doer who has made her way to the top through dedication, hard work, and tenacity. So it’s no surprise she’s uncomfortable with the unknown (another reason she’s so good at gaining clarity). When she and her husband signed those dotted lines to purchase their South Carolina home, Nina was jumping ahead 27 steps – asking about house repairs, how to decorate, window treatments, hurricane shutters, landscaping, neighborhood communities, finding health care providers, where can you get a decent bagel? – and how can we have everything in place all at once?

Her broker simply responded, “Live the Question.” “Live in the home,” she said. “Time will tell you what you need to know and what your priorities will be.” There’s peace in letting go and trusting that all you need to know will become clear if you just refocus your energy on what you want.

Now, Nina can look back on the past 18 months with pride about how she handled the challenges while looking forward to a future of reignited passion for the life she loves.

*** When’s the last time you chose to “live in the question” by honoring the moment at hand? I’ll tell you what, these are the quiet moments that give you insights to your life – the ones that give clarity, courage, confidence, and JOY!  ***

Article By: Amy Nubson

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Finding my voice made me feel at home… made me feel calm.

– Amy Nubson